About Us


In this blog, you will find important information about festivals of India. india is a colorful and religious country.
in 12 months we celebrate more than 50 festival like Holi, Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi and many more. You will read very detailed information on each festival.

You can connect with us through
Email  : ajasha07@gmail.com

About Author

I am Ajay Kumar, born and raised in the city of Steel Bhilai Chhattisgarh. Am an Accountant by profession. I am greedy for books and spend a lot of time in reading anything and everything from the contemporary Indian Authors. I also love reading classical fictions.

Apart from these, I like traveling and cooking and I love interacting with people and knowing about them. Am a novice writer please feel free to criticise and share your reading experience. 

You can connect with me through
E-mail  : ajay84242.ak@gmail.com